lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

Problem/Solution Composition (Práctica Evaluable)

Disabled children attending non-special education schools has always been a controversial and problematic issue in Spain. My mother, who has been a teacher in a Primary School for 30 years, has always had some disabled kids in her class, in a school which is not adapted for disabled students. In the beginning, there used to be one or two, but in recent years, the number has increased and so, the problem.

Indeed, it is very positive for disabled children to attend classes together with non-disabled children to promote integration. The problem appears when there are too many disabled and the teacher has to choose either to focus more on the disabled ones, which obviously require more time and attention, or on the non-disabled ones.

One possible solution would be the construction of more special education centres and schools, where children with special needs could receive full attention and get a better learning. But then, it would not foment their integration with other children, which is very good for both parts as well. Another solution could be that the special-education teachers who come once or twice a week to deal with these children, were given more hours. These teachers come to take disabled children out from the standard class a few hours once or twice a week. Instead, they could do it, for instance, everyday.

As a way of conclusion, we can say that it is very positive to include children with special needs within non-special education classes. It is very enriching for both disabled and non disabled. But it is very important to do it in the right way, which is hiring these special education teachers during more hours, so everybody can get advantage from it: disabled children can improve and learn more and the number of unemployed teachers can go down.

Opinion paragraph about something I like but most people don't like (Práctica evaluable)

Although this may sound stupid or even funny, I would like to give my opinion about black, bitter chocolate, which I love, against milk chocolate, which is a favourite for most people. Real chocolate lovers would always prefer the black purer chocolate with more than 80% of cacao in it. This kind of chocolate is healthier than the milky version because it contains less additives and sugar, which makes it lighter, less caloric and thus better for those who cannot do without sweets or need to eat chocolate everyday. In addition, its lack of milk makes it perfect for those who are allergic to dairy products. In short, the black and purer chocolate is always a better option than the milk or white chocolate, which is made of mostly artificial ingredients. Remember, when it comes about chocolate, the purer, the better! 

Social Networks: Pros and Cons

In a relatively short space of time, the social networks have become incredibly popular. Ten years ago, it was not even common to own a laptop, and nowadays we cannot live without twitter or facebook. Certainly, social networks have many advantages. They let us communicate with people from all around the world in real time. Or catch up with an old friend whom you've lost track of but who you can learn everything about just by checking his facebook profile. If someone is fond of photography, social networks like Instagram, for instance, let him show his talent to the world just by uploading his pictures. They are, why not, a good entertaiment always available as long as we have wifi. On the other hand, social networks may have disadvantages if we make a negative use of them. We often wonder how we could live before we had facebook, for example. The worst part is that we really mean it, and, unfortunately, for many of us social networks are becoming rather an addiction than an entertainment. An excessive use of them can turn people into obsessive or paranoiac. At the end, they are not real life and we should not consider them important. Definitely, social networks are a very cool and useful invention with lots of advantages, but we should be cautious and not devote our lives to them.