lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

Opinion paragraph about something I like but most people don't like (Práctica evaluable)

Although this may sound stupid or even funny, I would like to give my opinion about black, bitter chocolate, which I love, against milk chocolate, which is a favourite for most people. Real chocolate lovers would always prefer the black purer chocolate with more than 80% of cacao in it. This kind of chocolate is healthier than the milky version because it contains less additives and sugar, which makes it lighter, less caloric and thus better for those who cannot do without sweets or need to eat chocolate everyday. In addition, its lack of milk makes it perfect for those who are allergic to dairy products. In short, the black and purer chocolate is always a better option than the milk or white chocolate, which is made of mostly artificial ingredients. Remember, when it comes about chocolate, the purer, the better! 

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